Many folks with curly hair have a love and hate relationship with their hair. Sometimes, they love their hair, but other times, they can't stand it. Curls can be beautiful but overwhelming. A...
Category: General hair care
Do you remember what color your hair was when you were a child? It was probably different than your natural color is now. Mine is. When I asked a couple of friends some said they were a towhead as a...
Burning your hair is something everyone hates. You sometimes see it on funniest home videos and the people around it are laughing their heads off! It's all fun at first until your hair is so burned...
Do you also get an itchy feeling when you think of lice? Good to know that I'm not the only one! I'm not only here to talk about lice and make you itch... Today's question came from a reader of...
Does Hair Grow Thicker On One Side Of The Head (Yes, But Why?)
Have you ever wondered if your hair grows thicker on one side of your head? You're not the only one! Lately, me and my friends go on regular Zoom meetings (due to Covid-19 and all) and we talk about...
Is there something worse in the world than having vomit in your hair? For my day to day life, this would be a nightmare! Not only the thought of having vomit in your hair isn't nice, actually having...